Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm Not Really A Fan of Bondage...

Expect a few 5th Gen gijinkas in the next few posts. I'm just adding them to my sketchbook for now and thinking and rethinking their abilities and such. To prevent this site from being too inactive, here's an older Pokemon:
Pokemon: Houndoom
Ability: Alice In Chains
Alice In Chains is an ability that allows the user to produce chains between any two points. The maximum amount of chains he can produce is 3, each with a maximum length of 1 metre. Many practical applications exist for such a power, ranging from locking a man's two legs together to restrict movement, to connecting an airborne projectile to an anchor so as to divert its course. Houndoom however, uses it mostly for pleasuring himself. He's actually quite a charming young man, but he has to periodically chain himself up to keep his sanity.

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