Ability: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Diamond Is Unbreakable is an ability that gives the user a skull made completely out of pure diamond. As one would expect, this means the user's headbutting power is increased dramatically. However, the added weight also causes the user to be a bit imbalanced (Not to be confused with being imba) and will tire the user out relatively quickly if he/she is not in the best of health. Compared with bone, diamond is a substantial bit tougher (I've done my research...I know the difference between toughness and hardness). Despite the lowered risk of fracturing the skull, the skin and flesh portion of the head is still vulnerable to damage. A sufficiently powerful blunt force may also fracture the diamond skull. Cranidos likes to smash his head into things, but due to the damage he'd do to most objects, he is limited to smashing only his belongings (Although he has discovered that he can headbutt diamond rings to see if they're real diamond). Note that Diamond Is Unbreakable does not prevent headaches.
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