Ability: Bloodhound Gang
Bloodhound Gang is an ability that allows the user to communicate with and manipulate canines. At first glance, this seems similar to Disturbia's mind control ability, except specifically for canines, but the other main difference is that Disturbia creates clearly visible red lines linking the user and the target's minds together. Bloodhound Gang produces no such signs of being activated, so you never know if your dog is gonna be mind controlled into biting off your pants. All types of canines can be controlled, ranging from the tiny chihuahua to the gigantic St. Bernard, and even feral dingoes. Ninetales keeps three dogs with her at all times (A bloodhound, a collie, and a poodle. Only the bloodhound is shown here) which act as her bodyguards. She has trained them to do unusually human things...
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