Ability: Don't Stop The Music
Don't Stop The Music is an ability that allows the user to materialize musical notes and scores. The entire score is usually materialized, inclusive of the clef symbols, Italian/French/Other languagish terms, bar and other symbols, anything that you can find written on sheet music. The scores will always emerge from the source of music (It could be a musical instrument, an entire orchestra, a radio, or even a person's voice), and have the properties of metal (Being sharp enough to cut through most objects, and tough enough to bash straight through others). If the music is stopped, the score completely disappears (Unless the user remembers to put the appropriate rest symbol...But even that will only last one semibreve if both or more clefs don't continue playing). Kricketune is mature enough not to use this ability when playing in front of an audience. Instead, when he really wants to see solidified scores, he'll rent an abandoned building or move into an uninhabited area such as a forest. He also knows how to generate music using two violin bows...I don't know how...
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