Ability: Tool
Tool is an ability that allows the user to project their conscious being into an inanimate object and cause it to take human form. In effect, it allows the user to turn something into a human, and at the same time allows him/herself to turn into an object. At first glance, this seems extremely similar to Cranberries, but there are a few differences. With Tool, the user can only project their consciousness once, which means there can be only two transformers at a time (Tool won't activate if the user doesn't project his/her consciousness so it's impossible for there to be only one transformer). Furthermore, the object that the user transforms into is fixed when Tool is used. For example, Gastrodon projects her consciousness into an ancient Chinese fan, leaving the rest of her mind to take on the form of a nearby club. The original body is now split between a fan and a club, both of which can take human form and act independently. Cranberries, on the other hand, simply transforms the user into whatever solid object they wish, so while it's more versatile, at the same time, it's less versatile...Yeah...Gastrodon is constantly using Tool, so you'll always see two of her. She (They?) have a secret team attack where they turn into half weapons, holding hands, and fling each other at a single direction. They always use it though, so it's not exactly secret...
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