Ability: Mash
Mash is an ability that allows the user to shoot beams of energy from his/her mouth. Unlike Hot And Cold, Mash doesn't pull in energy from the surroundings, instead pulling it from another dimension (It's sort of like creating energy, except it isn't really creating energy...Y'know, because of the Conservation of Energy and stuff). The user can create beams using any energy he/she wants, from simple heat and electric energy, to nuclear energy and kinetic energy, to the slightly more conceptually hard to imagine potential energy (I have an idea on what a beam of potential energy might do, but this isn't the place to explain it). The user can also control the intensity of the beam as well, having it either be a wide beam or a precise beam. Gyarados is one crazy son of an albino (Ok, his parents aren't albino but you get the idea) and he uses Mash to devastating effect. He prefers heat beams and the occasional light beam (Compressed into a laser).
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