Ability: Four In The Morning
Four In The Morning (Yes, the "i" is capitalized) allows the user to shoot sunny lasers from the sky, provided it's sunny and it's daytime. Sunny lasers possess the properties of fire, which means they'll burn things. If the sun is being hidden behind clouds, or if it's nighttime, Four In The Morning will fail to activate. Solrock uses martial arts at night if she's alone, but you'll usually find her with this guy:

Ability: Nine In The Afternoon
Nine In The Afternoon allows the user to shoot lunar lasers from the sky, provided the moon is out and it's nighttime. Lunar lasers possess the properties of fire (Surprise!) which means they'll burn things. If the moon is hidden behind clouds, or if it's a new moon night, or if it's daytime, Nine In The Afternoon will fail to activate. Lunatone uses martial arts in the day if he's alone, but you'll usually find him with Solrock. Among the two of them, they tend to argue over who gets to be the leader. Solrock believes she should be the leader because her powers are associated with the sun, and the sun is what allows the moon to shine. Lunatone believes he should be the leader because he's a guy (He's a bit sexist). This point tends to fail so Solrock is leading most of the time.
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