Ability: Aqualung
Aqualung is an ability that allows the user to turn his hair into crocodilians (Crocodiles, Alligators, Caiman, and so on). There's no limit to the number of crocodiles the user can produce as long as they have enough hair to use. However, generating large numbers of crocodilians is generally advised against because these crocs won't be following the user's orders. After a while, the crocodilians will turn back to hair, cause ability effects don't usually last forever (They go against the basic laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy. Those that don't have a chance of producing permanent effects. An example of this would be Hot And Cold, which channels existing energy rather than creating it). Feraligatr is intimidating enough to force his crocs to obey his orders, so he has an advantage when it comes to using Aqualung (It's still not advisable for him to generate too many crocs cause he wouldn't be able to handle a group attack). He is also strong enough to wrestle disobedient crocs into submission (Attack him while he's wrestling FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE).
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