Ability: One Republic
One Republic is an ability that allows both the user and the opponent to generate a sphere of a fixed size (Radius of 1m) and control anything within that sphere. This ability can only be activated when both fighters have agreed to a formal battle, during which the opponent will temporarily lose his/her original ability. Anything within the sphere is under the owner's control, from solid structures and liquids to the air within it and any energy as well (Although using the energy will require a bit of talent in the field of physics). Even after it has left the sphere, the objects will remain in the control of the owner. Conversely, anything from outside the sphere won't automatically fall under the owner's control if it happens to enter the sphere. Nidoqueen is a noble warrior who wants to prove to the world that women can be warriors if they wanted to. She won't actively challenge anyone unless they show a great degree of discrimination towards the female population.
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